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Hoaxes that made the buzz on Facebook (and that would have helped Trump in USA election)

A few days after the announcement of Donald Trump's victory in USA Elections, people began to wonder how it could happen.


Journalists and researchers who openly accused Facebook, not preventing sufficient spread of false information and hoaxes on the social network, as well as enclosing users in filter bubbles, would have influenced the results of the election and helped Donald Trump to become president.

But what were the false information that were most viral during the election campaign?

Through an analysis of BuzzFeed, today was a Top 5 articles conveying hoaxes or false information about the election that had the most engagement on Facebook during the three months preceding it.

Facebook, meanwhile, says that the performance of the most viral products does not reflect the average commitment on its social network.

War against the fake news is already declared

Anyway, after the controversy that followed the elections, Facebook and Google have already announced measures against sites that disseminate false information, including depriving them of advertising revenue sources . Developers have also launched Chrome extensions that help users identify what kind of website.
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