The controversy false news and rumors that animated the American election until the election of Donald Trump, has found a drastic conclusion of the chief accused Facebook and Google. The hoax could live their last hours.
Many newspapers had accused Facebook of being responsible for Donald Trump's election as president of the United States. As a step against the spreading of false information, Google and Facebook want to cut the valves of advertising revenue for websites spreading false information.
Anyway the controversy was launched by many newspapers whose tone was sometimes acid to Facebook because they feel that the large quantity of items included in the Trending Topics stream and viewed by hundreds of millions of people, has negatively influenced the perception of the candidates, especially since it was often quite false information.
Sites that often seek to create controversy, create buzz, to start rumors in formats that give the impression that this is real news. There is more about hoaxes that made the buzz on Facebook (and that would have helped Trump in USA election).
The Trending Topics function is managed by artificial intelligence and non-journalists in the interest of bias, these items buzz, read and shared millions of times, found themselves systematically in the news feeds of users and picked up by other social networks like Twitter.
Facebook, Twitter and Google have realized that they were being misled by some website publishers whose intentions are to trick users, decided to draw conclusions on her complaints. The social network and search engine being the masters of advertising on the web and in mobile decided to hit the wallet of these websites and will prevent that they can dispose of these recipes.
Terms of Use affiliations to advertising networks of the two giants will be updated to prohibit such practices, so as to cut advertising revenue for publishers who do not play the game and seek to mislead both the readers by disclosing false information, but also defrauding advertising companies, playing only the buzz effect to generate significant traffic towards their sites.
Hopefully, by cutting the floodgates of these websites, the hoax no longer will interfere in the future in politics and current events, because again it is intolerable that the future of a country and the democracy are bartered against advertising revenue.