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7 deadly job interview mistakes to avoid

You are about to pass a job interview? To put the odds on your side, here are 7 mistakes to avoid making!

To not miss out on this job that you like so much, there are behaviors and attitudes to banish! To make a good impression during your interview and give the recruiter want to remind you, here are 7 mistakes that you must absolutely avoid.

1. Missing your entry

The first impression is the most important, if you arrive late, or completely out of breath after running in all stages to arrive on time, you leave with a big handicap. Arrive a few minutes early and make polite when greeting the recruiter. A smile and an attitude inspiring confidence will give you extra points.

job interview mistakes

2. Being badly dressed

Your style of dress says a lot about you. In an interview you have to dress elegantly even if the company is deemed to be young and casual. You obviously will adapt your style depending on the job you are applying for (suit and tie for a banker employment, serious outfit with the most original accessories for a job as a designer.)

3. Show your stress

It is quite normal to be stressed before going on a job interview but you do not have to show your stress recruiter. Shifty eyes, voice and legs shake, are often prohibitive attitudes. Do not hesitate to do some relaxation and breathing exercises before returning to the recruiter's office and show that you are focused and involved.

4. Be arrogant

Please note that the border is often weak between confidence and arrogance! You must show that you have confidence in you, but do not try to prove that you know everything and that you are the best for the job. Instead, choose type of sentences: "I had the chance .... ".

5. Recite your CV

Of course you need to talk about your experiences and your career, but do not just stick to recite your resume! Itemize more aspects of your background that will interest the recruiter depending on the position you are applying for and highlight the qualities you have acquired and which are essential for the post.

6. Do not know the company

Before going to the interview, ask about the company. You must know the position you are applying for, the corporate sector, the activities of the latter, etc. This will allow you to exchange more easily with the recruiter and even ask questions, which will be highly appreciated.

7. To miss your exit

As we said at the beginning, the first impression is the most important but also the last! Before going out, consider asking the recruiter how and when you can recontact whether the interview went well and do not hesitate to tell him he can contact you if they need further information . Finally, do not rush out of the recruiter's office as if you wanted to run away, but greet him cordially looking him in the eye and go quietly.

To pass a job interview, there are no secrets, we must be prepared. Prepare your arguments so well, ask about the company and do not hesitate to simulate an interview with a close to put you in a situation and tell you what you need to improve.
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