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7 tips to work from home effectively in 2020

Work from home, besides Make money online, has become a popular trend lately and more and more people seem to opt for it nowadays. If you want to get started with it or even if you've already started, it is important to follow some basic rules that allow you to work comfortably at home without affecting your productivity.

tip to work from home effectively in 2017

Here are some tips that will allow you to combine work, productivity and well-being.

1. Arrange yourself a true work space

To work from home, it is important to create a space dedicated symbolically to work. Try to have a real office, working on the dining room table will only last so long. Arrange yourself if possible a work space where you can work in peace, away from the noise of family life.

2. Pay attention to your work position

Now that you've created a workspace, a few rules are followed to work comfortably. Treat yourself to a good office chair, do not place your screen within 50 cm of you, do not stand in front or behind a window and above all, stay away from time to time your eyes of the screen so as not to strain your view.

3. Get help for the tasks of everyday life

If you want to work from home, it is important that you do to help the tasks of the house. It's not because you work from home you have the time to do: keep the children, preparing meals, etc. If you need to take care of all the affairs of the home and family, you will not be 100% effective.

4. Take breaks

As an employee working in the business office, you must grant you time to time breaks. Try getting up a few minutes every hour to stretch your legs and stretch a bit. Enjoy these pauses to drink a glass of water or coffee, to go for a walk in your garden, etc.

5. Do not get overwhelmed by your surroundings

It's not because you work from home you are all the time available. Your friends and family may think that you can work at home they can come to you a little cuckoo time to time. It is important to explain to them that you are working and you are not always available.

6. Organize yourself well

To work from home it is important to be very organized, even more than now. When working at home is a strong temptation to take advantage of this situation to do anything but work. Put in place a clear timetable with up schedules, lunch, relaxation, etc.

7. Remember to enjoy your freedom

Do you feel especially guilty of having the privilege to work from home and be able to organize your time as you wish? Many people working like this tend to do more than company employees. This kind of work gives you true freedom, take the opportunity to grant you moments of relaxation, to take care of yourself, you'll be a more productive end.

I would love to know what are your thoughts or what you do to make your 'Work From Home' idea an effective and successful implementation.

Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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