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How To Remove Powered by Shopify Link

Shopify is a hosted e-commerce solution that enables anyone even without coding skills to create an e-commerce website.

How To Remove Powered by Shopify Link From Your Store Footer

If you want to delete the 'Powered by Shopify' link from your Shopify website footer, you will need to modify the footer.liquid file ( for section based themes ), or the theme.liquid file ( for non-section based themes).

Remove the Powered by Shopify from Section based themes

  1. Go to Shopify Admin
  2. Click on Online Store
  3. Under Themes section open the 'Actions' drop down and click on 'Edit Code'.
  4. Search for the file named 'footer.liquid' and open it.
  5. Within the file search for 'powered_by_link' text. You can also make this search by pressing Ctrl+F ( cmd+F for MacOS ) within the editor area.
  6. After doing the search you will see the following line of code
    {{ powered_by_link | split: '" ' | join: '?ref=out-of-the-sandbox" ' | split: '">' | join: '?ref=out-of-the-sandbox">' }}
  7. Delete this line of code and save the changes.

Remove the Powered by Shopify from Non-section based themes

  1. Go to Shopify Admin
  2. Click on Online Store
  3. Under Themes section open the 'Actions' drop down and click on 'Edit Code'.
  4. Search for the file named 'theme.liquid' and open it.
  5. Within the file search for 'powered_by_link' text. You can also make this search by pressing Ctrl+F ( cmd+F for MacOS ) within the editor area.
  6. After doing the search you will see the following line of code
    {{ powered_by_link | split: '" ' | join: '?ref=out-of-the-sandbox" ' | split: '">' | join: '?ref=out-of-the-sandbox">' }}
  7. Delete this line of code and save the changes.
Also read: How to remove Shopify Payment icons from store footer

Remove the Powered by Shopify from the Password pages

  1. Go to Shopify Admin
  2. Click on Online Store
  3. Under Themes section open the 'Actions' drop down and click on 'Edit Code'.
  4. Search for the file named 'password.liquid' and open it.
  5. Within the file search for 'powered_by_link_html' text. You can also make this search by pressing Ctrl+F ( cmd+F for MacOS ) within the editor area.
  6. After doing the search you will see the following line of code
    <div class="shopify">
    {{ 'general.password_page.powered_by_shopify_html' | t }}
  7. Delete this line of code and save the changes.
You can also check the step by step process in the following video.

Feel free to comment below and ask me if you have any queries about the process. You can also hire me to do this job for you.

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