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Change URL of static pages Blogger | Custom permalink for static blogger pages

Recently, I was adding a static page on my blog, but I couldn't find any way to create a custom URL link for the page. Unfortunately, Blogger does not allow you to create your custom permalinks for static pages. Though you can change the URL of Blogger posts (allowed to change only once). I have searched over the internet as much as I can for the ways to change the URL of Blogger static pages. None of the solutions that I found online were of any help as none of them solved the problem.

change permalink for static blogger pages

I refused to believe that it was not possible to do because I have seen many Blogger blogs that have a perfect, custom permalink for their static pages. So, I went on trying out different things hoping that I will somehow find the solution. And luckily, I did find a way.

I stumbled upon this trick by chance and was lucky enough to have noticed it. I am sharing it here, hoping you will find it helpful if you are searching for the custom permalink for Blogger static pages. I have also changed the permalink structure for our label and static pages like a WordPress blog or website. I am going to first explain to you how the process of creating custom URL structure works in static pages of Blogger. And then show you the step by step method showing you how to change Blogger static page URL.

Secret ingredient to change the permalink of static pages in Blogger (Blogspot) blogs

In the static pages of Blogger (Blogspot) blogs the permalink of the page is generated automatically. You cannot change this URL (permalink) once created. Blogger uses an algorithm to create the permalink for its static pages. This algorithm works based on the autosave feature of Blogger.

Blogger autosaves the content on its pages or posts in every few minutes which prevents you from losing your data or having to rewrite the content in case something goes wrong. The first autosave usually activates in 5 seconds after opening a 'New page'. In the case of static pages, Blogger will fetch approximately first 60 letters that are available in the content before the first autosave activates. These 60 letters fetching starts from the page title and then goes to page content. These fetched letters will be converted into the permalink of that static page by replacing all the blank spaces in the sentence with a hyphen (-). So, if the fetched content is "these are the first 60 letters" then the permalink of that static page will be generated as "yourdomain/p/these-are-the-first-60-letters.html".

Case 1: Best case scenario

Before the autosave activates, you have a nicely written title for your static page (For example: "Privacy Policy") and nothing written yet in the content area. This will create a perfect custom URL link for your blogger static page i.e "yourdomain/p/privacy-policy.html"

Case 2: Good case scenario

Before the autosave activates, you have the page title empty and have written something related to your page in the content area. Like I said earlier, first 60 letters from the content will be fetched and converted into URL. Since the page title is empty, you might not get a perfect URL for your page but still, since the content will be related to the topic the URL might still be reasonable.

Case 3: Worst case scenario

Before the autosave activates, the page title is empty and also the content area is empty. In this case, the permalink would be generated using a page number. Something like, "yourdomain/p/page-18.html", "yourdomain/p/page-23.html", etc.

Custom Permalink URL for Static Blogger Pages

1. Go to your blog and login to your Blogger dashboard.

2. Go to Pages Tab but do not click on New Page option yet. (First read out all the below instruction, then proceed on doing it).

3. Minimize the browser and go to your desktop. Right click on the desktop > New > Text Document (i.e Create a new text document on your desktop).

4. In the text document, write the text that you want to use as the permalink separated by space. For example, write "contact us" for "domain/p/contact-us.html".

5. Copy the text from the new document.

6. Please make sure you have carefully followed the above steps before moving any further. Now, click on New page from the dashboard (as in step 2) and paste the text that you copied from the document in the title of the new page immediately. Note that you have to paste the code before the auto save function activates, otherwise, this trick will not work.

Once you have completed the above step successfully, you will get your own custom permalink for the static page in Blogger. Now, delete the old title and change the main title to whatever you want.

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