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How to clean your keyboard like a PRO without breaking it (Professional Guide)

Now is a great time to clean computer keyboard in time to get rid of germs and bacteria. Here are some tips to follow for effective cleaning of your keyboard (without breaking anything).

how to clean keyboard

One to do the most good possible care, our computer keyboard is a nest of germs and bacteria, and not talking about the dust that accumulates there. We must therefore think in many maintain, but do not do it anyhow. If you do not know how to do it, here are some tips you can follow.

Ridding the dust keyboard

Dust and electronics generally do not mix well and it's not just a question of aesthetics. Dust can actually damage your keyboard or interfere with the contacts. Then feel free to use the vacuum cleaner to clean the keyboard. Wipe it gently across the surface. For finishes, use a cotton swab to switch between keys or a brush. This is one of the different ways to use your old brush.

Clean all keys

Once the dust sucked, we have to clean your keyboard. Attention, it is of course no question of using a liquid that could grilling. You will use a slightly damp cloth and pass well everywhere to remove fat. It will then clean the keys one by one, even if it seems tedious. To do this use a cotton swab that you have soaked in white vinegar. Spend although the keys and also all around for complete cleaning.

Disinfect the keyboard

Finally, there will not be that you disinfect your keyboard. You can use cotton that you have previously soaked in alcohol at 70 degrees. Again, go well in all the nooks and all keys.

With this complete cleaning your keyboard regain a second youth. Do not allow dirt to accumulate, consider performing this cleaning time to time.

What do you do for keeping your PC/laptop clean? Do you have some other tips? Share with us in the comments below.
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